I’m back!

I accidentally took a hiatus from my blog. Whoops. I didn’t mean to. November was crazy, but I had prepared for it and pre-scheduled my posts so I just had to fill in word counts and details. And then I knew December would be awful, but now we’re halfway through January and I haven’t posted…

But now I’m back!

I need to get back into regular writing again, but I wrote a lot of words in November! Good ones, mostly. I have to do some editing and publishing, but I also think I wrote the first novel where a sequel speaks to me. It’s begging to be written. But I need to figure out what the hell I actually wrote in the first one in November. So, that’s what I’m working on right now. (Well not *right now*. I’m writing this blog post *right now*. But when I’m done with this post, I’m going to do something related to that project. I promise.

Oh wait… after I delete a lot of the 860 emails in my inbox I haven’t looked at. Whoops. (And I am the 0 new read email type of person!)

Thanks for hanging in there with me! ❤

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