Hallmark: Part 18

Here is the next installment of Hallmark!
– Richard

“What do you want to do for Valentine’s?” asked Arnold. They were sitting on the couch one Saturday afternoon, the events of New Year’s largely unmentioned in the intervening weeks. Arnold had gone over to “Pete’s” a few times and come back without any marks (Chelsea had checked). 

“I don’t know… Why don’t we just book a room (with two beds) somewhere, eat dinner and watch a movie in one of them, and fuck all night in the other,” said Chelsea, reaching down and giving his fingers a squeeze. He’d started asking her to tie his wrists, loosely, when they were in the apartment.

“Oooh, that does sound fun! Do you know anyplace fun to do it?”

“I used to…” Chelsea pulled her phone out of her pocket and stared at it, biting her lip.

New Year’s was fine. I could call him. Arnie hangs out with him like every other week…

She dialed from memory, her heart beating faster with each tap of her fingers.

“I’m surprised you didn’t delete my number,” said Mark. She heard his smirk over the phone, and her face flushed.

“I did,” she said.

“Oh, did you get it from Arnie?”

“I still knew it.” 

“Repeat that, please. You were mumbling.”

“I said I still knew it,” she said, glaring at the phone, making sure he heard it.

“Always nice to be remembered.”

“Speaking of phone numbers, have you talked to Julie since you got back into town?”

“Yeah. She saw I was back and sent me an invite to her munch, why?”

“Is she still running that B&B out of her mom’s old place?”

“She is! Daddy took me there! It’s so good!”

Chelsea held the phone away from her ear as Hannah screamed. “Do you have me on speaker?”

“Yeah. I’ve kind of got a handful of pigtails right now. And Hannah’s always on speaker regardless…”

“Gross. Can you text me her number after you cum?”

“Yeah. Want me to punish her if she takes too long?”

“No. I’m not in that big of a hurry.”

“Aww, you’re making her pout.”

“Will you vouch for me if she asks?”

“I don’t know, you took a rather cavalier attitude with safe words and whatnot in the basement…”

“What do you want, Mark?”

“Just to make you squirm a little.”

“So that’s a yes, then?”

“I guess. Sure you don’t want me to rough her up a bit? You seemed like you enjoyed it.”

“Goodbye, Mark!”

She hung up on the phone and slumped on the couch.

“Your friends are weird,” Arnold said.

“He’s more your friend than mine.”

He shrugged. “So what was all that about?”

“A friend of ours runs a little kinky B&B out of her mom’s old townhouse.”

“She’s your friend, but you don’t have her number?”

“I haven’t really talked to her since Mark and I broke up. Last time I saw her, it didn’t go so well.”

“And Mark is going to tell her that you’re cool?” He drew out the last word.

“Don’t turn into a brat. I’m going to tell him to lock Hannah in a crate or something when you’re over for game day. But yes. To get into places like that, you have to know somebody who will say you’re not shady or whatever. Julie might’ve let me in, for old times’ sake, if she needs the money. Or she might decide to be petty. Mark can smooth it out. Probably.”

“What makes a kinky B&B different from a regular one?”

“She’ll have some bondage furniture, maybe some toys. It’ll be good for you, we can check out some stuff that I don’t have, decide what we like.”

“Ooh, we should go to the store again. That was fun!”

“Look at you, turning into a regular freak,” she slid closer to him on the couch, rubbing her hand over the bulge starting in his shorts. “What do you want to get?”

“Mmmm,” he squirmed. “A new outfit for you… a cheerleader, maybe. And maybe we can get some nicer rope. This is kind of scratchy.”

She squeezed a little harder. “You’re pretty picky for someone who didn’t even know what any of this stuff was a couple months ago.”

He tried to give her a stern look. “Now who’s being a brat? If you want my cock you’ll make sure I enjoy myself, whore!”

She smiled a little, rubbing faster, “Sorry, Sir. Let me just get this out…” She started slipping a finger under his waistband. “Ow!”

He slapped her lightly on the back of the hand. “You think I’ll screw you dressed like that? If you pick out a sexy enough outfit, maybe you can have my dick later.”

It was her turn to pout. “I hate how much I like when you’re like this.”

He smiled down at her, “It makes me feel a little guilty sometimes, but as long as you like it.”

Finally to Valentine’s Day!

Come back soon for TMI Tuesday, more Hallmark, and maybe even a Sexy Short!

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