TMI Tuesday: May 21st, 2024

The author of TMI Tuesday has decided to end her reign, but we have decided to continue on, going back to the archives. We’re going to continue with 2013, and now we’re back on the same date, even (except we’re more than a few weeks behind)! So here we are with an archived set of questions.

TMI Tuesday: April 9, 2013

Posted on April 8, 2013 by TMI Tuesday blog

I found inspiration for this week’s questions from my readings around the web. (Thank you Feedly for making reading my blogs and fave websites easy and fun again.)

If, Ands, and Butts

1. If you had a magic beauty wand, what would you give yourself?
a. Shinier hair, hands down.
b. Glowing, soft skin–pass the moisturizer dude.
c. Brighter eyes, with no crows feet—I want to look less tired.
d. Nada. I love what I’ve got.
Jayden: A, but can I have thicker hair instead? Or more hair? Or both. My hair is so thin, I look bald.
Richard: B. My skin is awful. It wouldn’t just make me prettier, it would legitimately make me more comfortable and remove simplify my life

2. If you were spring cleaning your life what five things would you throw out?
Jayden: We did a lot of spring cleaning already, so probably not much.
Richard didn’t answer, but Jayden thinks he would throw out *everything*

3. If money were no object, what kind of house would you buy?
Jayden: Something near the water.
Richard: Something underwater.

4. Have you ever visited an erotic massage parlor AND had a “happy ending”?
Jayden: Nope
Richard: No

Bonus: Using the handy chart, what is your butt type, spanked or not?
Jayden: Hot tamale
Richard: I’m going to say “The Shelf” just to spite Jayden who says my butt can’t hold things up.

Spankification: Types of Spanked Butts by Dioneo Daspanca, 2011

TMI Tuesday along with us: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses.

Happy TMI Tuesday!

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