TMI Tuesday: February 6th & 13th

We got a bit behind, but we’re catching up tonight!

The author of TMI Tuesday has decided to end her reign, but we have decided to continue on, going back to the archives. We’re going to continue with 2013 (oh hey, the year changed; whoops!), even though it’s a day off since that was a leap year. So here we are with an archived set of questions.

TMI Tuesday: February 5, 2013

Posted on February 4, 2013 by TMI Tuesday blog

SinnerMan strikes again! This week’s questions are brought to you by

The Erotic Home

erotic table

1. When you bought your bed frame, did you evaluate it in terms of ropes, handcuffs, etc?

Jayden: No, but we use the straps that go under the mattress, so they’re good on pretty much any bed.

Richard: We have a fancy tilty bed and a giant mattress, it was a lost cause.

2. Aside from beds, was sex ever a major consideration in choosing a piece of furniture?

Jayden: Not that I recall.

Richard: Nope.

3. Have you ever had anyone else (friend, mom) say a piece of your furniture was inappropriate because it was clearly for sexual purposes?

Jayden: No, we don’t have anything that overt.

Richard: Yet…

4. Do you have a piece of furniture that has a stain caused by bodily fluids (baby vomit not included)?

Jayden: I think we’ve kept our couch well covered, and our bed has two waterproof covers on it… So I don’t think so.

Richard: I think there’s some on the old mattress in the other bedroom…

5. Do you have anything in your bedside table you wouldn’t want your father or mother to know about?

Jayden: My Hitachi magic wand lives there.

Richard: Nothing else.

6. Do you own any exercise equipment that is useful for sex?

Jayden: Nope.

Richard: No.

7. Aside from your bedroom, what room do you have sex in most often?

Jayden: The living room, I think.

Richard: Yeah.

8. Do you have any electronics (TV, stereo) etc in your bedroom that are on during sex?

Jayden: Not usually.

Richard: Nope.

TMI Tuesday – February 12, 2013

Posted on February 11, 2013 by TMI Tuesday blog

Fantasy & Role play

Valentine’s Day may be for lovers but everyday is for sexy, imaginative, fun, kinky people. Keeping your sex life exciting means switching it up a bit, and getting creative. One way to do that is to bring your fantasies to life with role-playing.


1. To spice things up in the bedroom, how adventurous are you willing to be? (select one)
a. I have never role-played before and will need a lot of instruction.
b. I have tested the waters, but never acted out anything scripted.
c. I have got my feet wet and want more!
d. Dive in head first – nothing is too deep.

Jayden: (d) though I wouldn’t say I have a ton of experience.

Richard: d

2. What scenario piques your interest most? Why?
a. Romantic and sensual
b. Playful and fun
c. Kinky! I want it all.

Jayden: (c) For sure. Kinky all the way!

Richard: c

3. Which of these is closest to your ideal setting for a fantasy?
a. A brothel
b. A dungeon
c. A bedroom
d. A prison cell

Jayden: (b) And it has been since I was too young to understand what I was fantasizing about.

Richard: Too many good choices.

4. Which of the following toys would be prominently featured in your fantasy? (select one)
a. Feathers and whipped cream
b. Handcuffs, pantyhose, and a necktie
c. Whips and chains
d. Ice cubes and a cold beer

Jayden: (c) Yes please!

Richard: c

5. It is time to take your sexy self to Fantasy Island. Which fantasy will you bring to life to rock your lover’s world?

a. The Sassy Sexy Jersey Whore
Gaudy, Flashy, Showy…totally Jersey!

b. Kinky Cook
It’s all about the spice! Heating things up in the kitchen.

c. Naughty Maid
Your feather duster will tickle more than just the dust on the shelves.

d. Doctor Love
Saving lives and breaking hearts but not before you administer a head-to-toe physical examination.

e. Frisky Fireman
A hose so long you can put out several of the hottest fires and leave a smoldering heap as proof of a job well done.

Jayden: I’d do anything Richard wanted, honestly. But if I had to pick, maybe (c)?

Richard: b. I get to literally make dinner after, right? I love making dinner!

Bonus:  Tell us about your craziest or wildest role-playing adventure.

Jayden: I don’t know how many truly crazy ones I’ve had… Since I’ve gotten divorced, we’ve role-played an affair a bunch of times. That’s always fun, especially since it’s not real.

Richard: I have a vague memory of doing an online roleplay when I was younger where someone wanted me to like… sex them until it caused the apocalypse and then impregnate them with a new universe or something? Fuzzy memory, but definitely crazy/wild.

Art: firewoman-Ohio Players Album cover “Fire”; all other photos from the Internet.

TMI Tuesday along with us: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses.

Happy TMI Tuesday!

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