#AtoZChallenge Reflections!

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!


Jayden: I honestly can’t believe we did it. Every post went up on time (and most went up at midnight). I think there was one I set up, but forgot to hit post, so it went up in the evening, but it was still the right calendar day! It was a lot of fun building this world with Richard. I would give him the crumbs of the idea and he would take it sometimes to places I never would have imagined. I loved everything he wrote, even when he claimed it wasn’t very good. Maybe I can get around to writing a novel myself now, but I am confident it won’t be nearly as funny as the prose Richard has come up with!

Richard: I had faith in us. Even when I wrote stupid things. I also thing this is the lowest post:smut ratio this blog has ever had, so that’s an exciting new adventure. It was fun to try a new way of writing stuff together with Jayden. We do it a lot, and sometimes it’s hard to find good ways to do it. I did entirely too many writing challenges in April this year, and I will now swear to never do more than one at a time again. I give it three months before I break it again.

Thanks for joining us for A to Z! Don’t forget to check out all the other blogs over at www.a-to-zchallenge.com and comment below if you’re blogging from A to Z!

Z is for Zoology #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Guest post by BMKerchner for Z is for Zoology:

As Richard and I talked about what to write for Zoology, we realized that we have a friend in our writing group who knows FAR more about actual dinosaurs than anyone we know. We asked them if they would be interested in writing something for us, and they were thrilled and promised not to write a novel. So we present to you (a much better account than we could have provided) a transcripted audio log.

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Y is for Youth #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for Y is for Youth:

Ah yes, youth. An awkward topic when we’re discussing kinky things. But in the world, the youth have to be somewhere. As previously mentioned in B is for Birth, women only get pregnant when they want to. (Hallelujah!) But, in order for there to be a society, children have to be born. In Adirlachson, children are born to women who want to bear children. They are raised together in communities and then sent to live in the community that best suits their personalities. It seems that when they are moved to Adrilachson (the FemDom/male sub community), no one really remembers where they were before. Sometimes someone will have a vague memory of being raised in a building somewhere, but most believe it’s just a part of Adrilachson reserved just for children. Little do they know that some of their childhood friends maybe never made it to Adirlachson… maybe they’re off somewhere else…

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X is for Xenial #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for X is for Xenial:

Talk about an x word I haven’t heard of… Xenial has to do with hospitality and greeting protocols. Well, in a D/s world, there are lots of protocols. There are some that exist throughout the community to ensure that all of the submissives are in compliance with their Dommes. Certainly, a Domme has the right to insist on a specific set of protocols with her submissive, but the community also has them.

Some examples are: submissives always kneel at their Domme’s feet unless they’re given permission to sit on the furniture; submissives always serve their Dommes first and won’t eat until their Domme has started eating; submissives always refill their Domme’s drinks without being asked. This is just scratching the surface of what is expected of the submissives.

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W is for Warfare #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for W is for Warfare

We’ve covered a lot of the military aspects of Adrilachson in our posts so far (J is for Judicial Systems, for example), but we haven’t discussed the use of psychological warfare yet. With the Dommes in power already, it’s a difficult structure to break. And when the men are turned on by the power of the Dommes, it becomes even harder for them to break out of their submissive shells. The psychological warfare can be used within their own ranks as well as to keep the community safe from dinosaurs. Here’s a short story on some of those ranks…

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V is for Visual Arts #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for V is for Visual Arts:

Their visual arts are their submissives and their bodies, primarily. Many people have tattoos and brands. They have become commonplace. And, of course, they have lots of porn. Whatever makes the Dommes happy, especially the ones at the top. The other “lesser” Dommes are generally happy to put their submissives into any porn others want, and are often happy to be stars themselves. They enjoy showing off their submissives’ skills and devotion.

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U is for Universe #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for U is for Universe:

Since this is still Earth, a lot of these questions have already been answered by reality. Everyone in Adirlacson is aware of celestial bodies and the larger universe, but there’s been no contact with any other worlds or anything like that. All of the world was explored, or at least almost all of it, once upon a time, but since the dinosaurs came back and global warming happened, life has changed drastically.

With the Adrilacson community, the average person doesn’t think anything outside that community exists, but those higher up know that there are other communities throughout the country and world that have different structures. But they don’t want their submissives to know that. Most of their submissives are happy and satisfied. Those that aren’t, well… maybe you’ll find out more of that in the book.

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T is for Time #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for T is for Time:

They have the same four seasons that exist in our current timeline. Their Spring and Fall are short, though because the extremes have mostly taken over with the effects of global warming. They’re able to sustain their farming underground though, as well as preserve a lot of their crops. Other than global warming fucking with the weather, their timekeeping is very much the same as what exists currently. 

Thought: Fertility as a time thing? Breeding scene?

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S is for Science #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for S is for Science:

Well now. I know you’re expecting to hear about the science of how the dinosaurs were made. Well, how could I disappoint our adoring fans? It was just like in Jurassic Park, and the difference is (spoilers) that the dinosaurs run loose at the end like in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. We have until June 10th to find out how they resolve that one…

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R is for Religion #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for R is for Religion

Honestly, this is one of the most difficult things for me to write, worldbuilding-wise. When I write real-world fiction, I tend to stay away from religion. As I mostly write smut, I try to write it so that anyone reading can see themselves in the main character (or side characters, etc.). If you notice, I don’t give a lot of physical descriptions of my characters on purpose. I focus more on how they’re feeling and how someone else makes them feel. That allows my reader to get more into the headspace of the main character.

I feel like religion takes away from that. So between the fact that religion often has Opinions about sex and the fact that I want all readers to be able to access my writing, I generally stay away from it.

So rather than talk about religion in this world (which won’t be featured in the novel), I thought I would demonstrate what I’m talking about with my descriptions.

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Q is for Queens #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for Q is for Queens:

As everything is in Adirlachson, the government is run by the Dommes. There is one who is in charge, though she has a number of advisory positions that other women hold. She has other positions such as security, agriculture, architecture, and so on, making sure that all aspects of their society can continue on. When she chooses to step down (or in the event of her death) one of her advisors will be promoted to the head position. In this way, the same group has stayed in power, replacing women as they’ve left their positions. The woman in charge always chooses the women to fill all of the advisory positions.

Although the government has been unchanged as long as anyone can remember, they have been fair enough to all of the women that they don’t want to usurp the group in power, and the men are happy to serve the women in the society. When they aren’t, the loyal men run them out of town and they’re never heard from again.

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P is for Plants #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for P is for Plants:

We mentioned a little bit about the plants that Adirlachson has before (let’s see if we can keep our details straight, haha!). They have some underground areas where they grow some crops using artificial light and water-based plants. For the plants that they can’t grow that way, they built up some fields with high walls to keep most of the dinosaurs and other animals out, though, of course, the flying ones can still get in. Richard shared with us about the “scarecrows” in F is for Food not too long ago.

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O is for Oblectation #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for O is for Oblectation:

The adults have many games that they enjoy. They have managed to keep alive some card games from the distant past as well as create new ones. But mostly, the Dommes play with their submissives. They have found a variety of games that they can play with their boys, from betting on races and wrestling to finding out who can withstand the most pain or who can cum the fastest.

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N is for Nuptials #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for N is for Nuptials:

Well, given that women rule the community, they make the decisions about relationships. The submissive men can certainly ask, but it is entirely at the Domme’s whim to decide if she’ll give a collar to a submissive, and how many men she’ll give a collar to. Then those promises are made via contract in ceremonies where members of the community gather to watch the promises made.

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M is for Military #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for M is for Military:

We already learned about the BEARS (Bondage Enforcement Armed Response Squad). They make up the majority of the military in Adirlachson. The highest officers, of course, are some of the dominant women. They direct the military into any action that needs to be taken, but given that the community is mostly hidden underground, it’s all internal struggles. They do monitor the surrounding area closely to be sure that no dinosaurs or (dare we speculate) people who don’t conform to the values of Adirlachson intrude on their community.

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L is for Language #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for L is for Language:

Everyone speaks the same language. Other languages have died out in the community. The original area is the Northeastern United States, so English was the dominant language in the community when they went underground, and other languages have died out.

They have developed some slang, since that’s how language evolves…

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K is for Knowledge #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for K is for Knowledge:

In Adirlachson, all children are expected to go to school. They learn to read, write, and use a computer. They learn math and science. Their history education is very tightly controlled. They understand that the rise of the dinosaurs was the downfall of their civilization, and that was when they went underground.

Other than that, specialized training and education are offered based on the career paths people choose.

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J is for Judicial Systems #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for J is for Judicial Systems:

There are community leaders who create and enforce the laws. The same group has been in power as long as anyone can remember. Each time one of them dies, they are replaced by another who is selected by those already in power. There is no voting. All of the leaders are women.

The laws are designed to keep power to those in power. The leaders have a team of men who enforce the laws. They are the submissives of the Dommes in power. They all faithfully serve their leaders. No one outwardly opposes the Dommes or…they aren’t heard from again.

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I is for Interior Design #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for I is for Interior Design:

Everyone has living quarters, but they are generally shared when they are younger. They grow up mostly segregated by boys and girls, until they are of age. Then they can choose mates, if they like. In the female dominated society, the women get to choose their partners, and then they can live together in underground quarters, but they have communal bathrooms by gender. Decorations themselves are sparse. There isn’t a lot to work with, but often dried leaves or wildflowers are brought inside as gifts from the submissive men to the women they serve.

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H is for History #AtoZChallenge

For this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge, Richard and Jayden are worldbuilding! Using Rebekah Loper‘s book The A-Zs of Worldbuilding as a guide, we have teamed up to give descriptions of the world we’re creating, along with snippets of what it’s like to exist in the world. Enjoy!

Background by Jayden for H is for History:

No one talks about the before times. No one wants to discuss what happened when the seas rose and the air became too warm. No one wants to talk about how the dinosaurs broke free and took over the land, driving people underground and to areas where they could live safely. The younger generation wants to know. What happened? How did they end up this way? And who else is left out there?

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